Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

Sukiman Saragih, ACG, CL
Medan First ( 5404 )
Jl.Marelan Raya No.68, Medan 20245, Indonesia
O : 6261-685 0472
R : 6261-685 0472
M : 6281 163 8292
EM : sake_eng@hotmail.com

Zulkarnain Hasibuan, CC
Medan First ( 5404 )
Jl. Setia gg. Sosial No.4-D Tanjung Rejo - Medan 20122, Indonesia
O : N/A
R : 6261-661 2315
M : 6281 2602 0767
EM : zhasibuan@gmail.com

Henry Leonardo, CC
Friendship Mandarin Club ( 654744 )
Jl Sabaruddin No. 10-A, Medan 20214, Indonesia
O : 6261-734 5224
R : 6261-736 3448
M : 6281 2607 9112
EM : henryleonardo@hotmail.com

Ayu Gustina, CC
Riau Club ( 834840 )
April Learning Institute, P.T RAPP
Jl. Lintas Timur, Pangk.Kerinci, Kec.Langgam, Kab. Pelalawan, Riau 28000
O : 62761-499 504
R : N/A
M : 6281 2768 5130
EM : ayu_gustina@aprilasia.com

Asst. Division Governor Education & Training
Indriani Asfa, ACS, CL
Deli ( 6313 )
Jl.Zulkarnain No.1 / 12, Medan 20154, Indonesia
O : 6261-456 7075
R : N/A
M : 6281 2657 8769
EM : noveralilia@yahoo.com

Asst. Division Governor Marketing
Andreas Intan Budiman
Polonia ( 2968 )
Jl.Merak No.24, Medan, Indonesia
O : 6261 452 5126
R : 6261 7780 0292
M : 6281 2607 6488
EM : andre_ib@yahoo.com

Division Secretary
Anthony Parjan, CTM
Medan First ( 5404 )
O : 6261 457 8182
R : 6261 7747 0095
M : 6281 161 2623
EM : anthony_parjan@yahoo.com

Division Treasurer
Catherine Setiono, DTM
Polonia ( 2968 )
Jl. Taman Polonia III / 70, Medan 20157, Indonesia
O : N/A
R : 6261 456 4062
M : 6281 2603 0576
EM : csetiono@hotmail.com

Installation Night 2008 at Medan, our Division Governor

Participants of Division "H" TLI Trainning

Humorouse & Evaluation Speech Contest

Division H Humorouse & Evaluation Speech Contest will be held:
Fellow toastmasters please kindly participate

D a t e : Saturday, 18th Oktober 2008 at 06.00 pm
Place : Aviasamudra Restaurant - Medan

Contestant for Humorous :
Sutanto, Willia, Agus, Erna
and from Area H3 (2 persons)

Juliana, Osmon, Henny Wahyuni, Sutanto
and from Area H2 (2 persons)